Thanks for the tip; I was installing a Win side-to-side and using legacy
BIOS mode.


2017-04-16 1:21 GMT+02:00 Gregor Best <>:

> Hi Daniel,
> I have a laptop with a similar chipset. The issue is that the
> inteldrm(4) driver does not support Skylake devices at the moment.
> If you boot the machine EFI mode, efifb(4) should attach to the EFI
> frame buffer. This in turn allows you to use Xorg's wsfb driver with an
> /etc/X11/xorg.conf which looks like this:
>         Section "Device"
>                 Identifier "default device"
>                 Driver "wsfb"
>         EndSection
> Apart from missing suspend/resume and 3D-acceleration, such a setup
> seems to work nicely for me. Chrome/Firefox need to be taught not to use
> graphics acceleration, and for mpv you need to use the commandline
> parameter `-vo x11` to tell it to use oldschool X11 rendering.
> Brightness control can be done with
> if you set `machdep.allowaperture` to 3. Don't mind the `fbsd` in the
> name, it works on OpenBSD as well.
> --
>         Gregor

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