On Fri, Jun 29, 2018 at 06:01:06PM +0200, Maximilian Pichler wrote:
> Does this mean it's unlikely to work with an USB-C-to-DP adapter or
> just hasn't been tried?

It should work fine because the USB-C ports have DisplayPort signaling
built-in and I would not expect any issues.


HDMI 1.4 does not support 4k at 60Hz like HDMI 2.0 does but HDMI 2.0 is
not supported as you found out. I have not tested USB-C to DP
specifically with my NUC6i7KYK but it does drive 4k over DisplayPort
which should be the same with USB-C to DP. I do get some weird artifacts
like the screen "shaking" back and forth a bit until I launch Xorg which
then works perfectly.


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