On 2018 Nov 26 (Mon) at 01:18:59 +0000 (+0000), shadrock uhuru wrote:
:also how do i resume from hibernate or suspend with the screen locked
:i use i3 and lock the screen with xautolock and i3lock in .i3/config
:i put i3lock in /etc/apm/resume
:when i  resume from ZZZ no lock screen appears, i am brought straight
:to  my desktop

/etc/apm/resume is ran as root, so you'll need that script to run i3lock
as your user, or to trigger i3's screenlock mechanism

I have a similar thing enabled on my laptop, but it's in /etc/apm/suspend:
pkill -USR1 -x xidle

Jacquin's Postulate on Democratic Government:
        No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the
        legislature is in session.

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