> As the dmesg below shows, everything "just works".  My only complaints 
> thus far are that the board seems to lack a OS visible hardware sensor 
> of any sort (though the BIOS does has an "emergency" shutdown 
> temperature setting) 

It is possible it does have some sort of sensor stuff, but that
they are not on i2c.

Quite a few machines have high address-space isa-based "superio"
chipsets that do contain such support, normally with a few sensors and
fans.  Most of these chipsets can also make their sensor information
available on an i2c bus (ie. the superio chipset acts as a i2c client
device), but sometimes vendors fail to wire up their i2c pins to the
system i2c bus.

When they do wire them up (which they have not on your machine), we
are sometimes faced with some i2c devices we don't recognize yet
(figuring them out means reading many data sheets, and comparing many
values).  That is why our non-release code prints full register dumps
for any unknown chips.  Many of you will have seen such unhandled i2c
chips in your i2c scans.  Anyone can teach themselves how to figure
out what those chips at, it just means you have to make the time like
we have.

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