On Mon, Nov 02, 2020 at 07:03:27AM -0500, Jeremy O'Brien wrote:
> Hey misc,
> I'm trying to understand the various scenarios that can trigger a package 
> update in 'pkg_add -u'. I thought package updates were triggered only through 
> explicit version bumps, or signature changes. I'm seeing that that isn't 
> always the case however, as shown here:
> x1$ pkg_info -S colord ../colord/colord-1.3.5p2.tgz  
> Information for inst:colord-1.3.5p2
> Signature: 
> colord-1.3.5p2,6,@consolekit2-1.2.1p9,@dbus-daemon-launch-helper-1.12.20,@dconf-0.36.0p0,@glib2-2.64.6,@lcms2-2.9p0,@polkit-0.118,@sqlite3-3.31.1p0,c.96.0,ffi.1.2,gio-2.0.4200.11,glib-2.0.4201.4,gmodule-2.0.4200.11,gobject-2.0.4200.11,gthread-2.0.4200.11,iconv.7.0,intl.7.0,lcms2.1.2,m.10.1,pcre.3.0,polkit-gobject-1.2.0,pthread.26.1,sqlite3.37.10,z.5.0
> Information for file:../colord/colord-1.3.5p2.tgz
> Signature: 
> colord-1.3.5p2,6,@consolekit2-1.2.1p9,@dbus-daemon-launch-helper-1.12.20,@dconf-0.36.0p0,@glib2-2.64.6,@lcms2-2.9p0,@polkit-0.118,@sqlite3-3.31.1p0,c.96.0,ffi.1.2,gio-2.0.4200.11,glib-2.0.4201.4,gmodule-2.0.4200.11,gobject-2.0.4200.11,gthread-2.0.4200.11,iconv.7.0,intl.7.0,lcms2.1.2,m.10.1,pcre.3.0,polkit-gobject-1.2.0,pthread.26.1,sqlite3.37.10,z.5.0
> x1$ pkg_add -un colord
> quirks-3.471 signed on 2020-10-31T22:51:51Z
> colord-1.3.5p2->1.3.5p2: ok
> Running tags: ok
> --- -colord-1.3.5p2 -------------------
> You should also run rm -f /var/db/colord/mapping.db
> You should also run rm -f /var/db/colord/storage.db
> In the above example, I've downloaded the colord tarball from my chosen 
> mirror, and compared its signature to my currently installed version. The 
> signatures and version match exactly, however pkg_add still updates the 
> package. Does anyone know what scenario is triggering this update?
> Thanks,
> Jeremy

You haven't supplied any information for answering this question well.
Are you running -current and updating to a new snapshot?

Easy answer. System libraries that these packages were built with have
changed. Package is the same except for being rebuilt with newer

Are you upgrading to a newer stable/release?
Same answer.

Are you getting this problem running pkg_add -u multiple times on the
same system without changing to a newer version or snapshot?

Then something is wrong. (Assumimg you are actually running the actual
pkg_add -u)
Check to make sure that you do not have any packages that have been
since dropped. gettext caused me problems a good while back

Please supply a little more info. That helps people to decide whether
they want to answer or not. Most likely you don't have any problem.
Have you read all of the relevant man pages? pkg_*
What is your PKG_PATH (if using). unset PKG_PATH is a quickie, temp fix
if it's wrong.
Have you changed /etc/installurl?

Look for relevant threads previously on the ports@ mailing list

Chris Bennett

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