
I wanted to try to learn more about relayd and use it as a reverse proxy in 
front httpd and a GO implementation called go_ipfs.

The setup is as follows:

 * httpd is used for acme +  http -> https redirects 
 * go_ipfs is used to serve the static websites.

I have the setup working quite ok for the most part and those curious can
read my write-up here:

All feedback, comments will be appreciated, since I'm not yet very well
versed in the art of relayd. (A special shout-out to Aaron D. Parks, who
had written a good how-to which helped me a lot in this task.

In practice, what I'm struggling with is the: 

 * ability to control the requests or responses by HTTP method, i.e.
   only allowing GET by default and access controlling POST and PUT
 * ability to control the behavior of relayd based on the response
   code from the backend IPFS web server, e.g. upon a 404, redirecting to 
   generic 404 page on the httpd.

I'm running OpenBSD 6.8 and am wondering if what I'm attempting to do is
possible with the current version of relayd?

Thanks in advance!

Lari Huttunen
"See the unseen."

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