Hi, I'm working on an Ansible role to help me provision road-warrior style
IKEv2 VPNs using OpenIKED and OpenBSD. I'd like this to be similar to Algo
https://github.com/trailofbits/algo. You can see what I started here:

My progress thus far is as follows. I can use that Ansible role to
provision a fresh 6.8 machine (usually on Vultr). The provisioning process
creates .mobileconfig files for importing on iOS and Mac OS so that I can
connect to OpenIKED, routing all my network traffic through the vpn. The
role also includes optional ad-blocking using unbound (though, perhaps it

I am not an OpenBSD/OpenIKED pro and I'd very much appreciate collaborating
with willing souls who, like me, could use an OpenBSD-based road warrior

Sincerely, Kyle

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