On 2021-01-08 20:42:20, Jan Stary <h...@stare.cz> wrote:
> Is there anyone doing phonetics on OpenBSD?
> [...]
> If there are actualy phoneticians running on OpenBSD,
> how do you do it?
>       Thank you
>               Jan


I wrote about my setup in an email to misc@ about a year ago.


        (You may need to manually set your browser to UTF-8 to see
        the line of IPA symbols in it.)

In brief, I installed ports/inputmethods/uim and use it to switch
into IPA layout.  I can write IPA symbols in both GUI and terminal
applications, though getting the symbols to show up correctly in
terminals requires a little more work.

Base vi doesn't support them, but nvi from ports works fine.
Trying to type commands into (n)vi while in IPA mode obviously
doesn't do what one expects though, so be sure to switch out of
it first.  I don't use emacs or mg, so can't comment on whether or
not they support them, but I suspect emacs most likely does.

I switch between layouts with either CTRL-shift or ALT-shift, and
then type according to the X-SAMPA rules which are documented in
which is installed by the uim port mentioned above.

Hopefully the above should get you a good working setup.  At the
very least, I'd recommend that you get your system set up to allow
X-SAMPA input since that seems to be the universal standard for
reducing the IPA into ASCII.  That way, no matter what system you
type IPA on, you'll have a consistent layout and won't need to
relearn anything.

Hope this helps!


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