On Mon, 01 Aug 2022 17:20:30 +0200, Bilal Emohmadian wrote:

> I'm a new user of OpenBSD, trying to port KDE5
> (Plasma/Workspace/KWin/KScreenLocker) with wayland v1.19.0 in /usr/ports/
> on OpenBSD 7.2-beta.
> . Can you  explain how work the typedef struct authsession_t ? (Because i
> can't find him on github repo T-T)
> .

That is because auth_session_t is an opaque type, you are not meant
to modify it.  Usually, all you need is something like a call to
one of the simplified auth APIs like auth_userokay().

Take a look out how BSD auth is used in lock(1) and xlock(1).

 - todd

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