Bruce Perens; Thank's for responding. I mean that. No one else ever does :(

*Message Main Body:
Where am I supposed to send it? Every opensource forum I go to is basically 
shut down now: even slashdot (they don't even allow new registrations). No one 
seems to use C anymore: even though it's not /that/ much harder than any of the 
new programming languages: you just got to say where you want to store your 
data. Everyone is afraid of that now for some reason. 

I've found C to be very similar to PERL, and QuakeC, it's just easy to use as 
one or the other. And C is alot faster. I don't know why people trash it.

So I send it to the few C programs I know still are kicking. I really don't 
have any other solution for communication: everywhere else is a complete ghost 
town. Things changed alot in these last 10 years. I remeber when all one had to 
do was post in any random article on slashdot, in the comments section, and one 
would have like 12 people the next day interested in the opensource project.

Now everything's shuttered, silo'd, and dead :(
And I don't want to attempt to communicate on ... X? a walled garden and a 
firehose put together.

*Message Addendum:
*Long story short;
*We want the unreal map file types.
*.t3d and .unr file formats

t3d format is nice; but requires more math grinding.
.unr format is ... less nice... but requires less math (ie format more complex; 
but less processing is required)

On Sunday, October 8, 2023 at 08:25:38 PM EDT, Bruce Perens <> 


This is why nobody wants to help you.

On Sat, Oct 7, 2023 at 7:29 AM 
<> wrote:
> Bagas; 
> There is no other place that C projects are talked about. In the past I could 
> get help and contributors just asking; now you are all silo'd in your own 
> little worlds and seethe with extreme anger or some castrated-drug-stupor in 
> "irony" and smugness against anyone that asks for some contributors. Every 
> single place bans anyone that asks for contributors to free-software projects.
> You feel you are superior because you "did code" 10 years ago and "support 
> trans rights".
> When asked to even allow a message to be seen that asks for contributors, in 
> this case a file format, to a fellow C project: you seethe or pretend you are 
> superior.
> As if I didn't know where I was sending the message? 
> I sent it to: RMS, ESR, Bruce Perens, redhat, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and Line-Unix. 
> All C projects. Just like this engine.
> I'm just asking for contributors. Not promoting "outrecehery" (some feminist 
> BS), Not "master vs main", not "noo can't call things whitelist/blacklist", 
> and not Codes Of Conducts for free contributors. I'm just asking for C 
> programming help for 3d file formats I'd like to add to this free-software 
> project.
> On Saturday, October 7, 2023 at 04:56:51 AM EDT, Bagas Sanjaya 
> <> wrote: 
> On Fri, Oct 06, 2023 at 07:18:20PM +0000, wrote:
>> Dear RMS;
>> I've read that you are both a lisp and C developer. I cannot get any 
>> contributors for the longstanding C 3d engine I work on as part of my 
>> fully-free-software (including media) 3d game/architecture project. I've 
>> been working on it alone for 10 years but now have branched into supporting 
>> more 3d file types and can't do that alone.
>> I've gone to "opensource" forums and gotten banned every single time for 
>> asking for help. Every single time. The message gets deleted. This is 
>> extremely difficult: it's not like 20 years ago when communication was free. 
>> Obvs the "opensource" community is no longer interested in any collaboration 
>> or development.
>> The reason I wanted to find more contributors, is that I recently (last 2 
>> years) programmed more file format support myself 
>> (wolfenstine:enemyterritory bsp support) and extended and fixed support for 
>> existing formats (obj file support for use as maps, and support for minetest 
>> and minecraft object exports as maps directly into the game, and BZFlag 
>> exported obj as maps (these didn't work at all before: now they do (bzflag 
>> and the engine previously had different opinions on what an obj file was 
>> mathmatically))). That opened up 600 3d maps with the bsp work, and then 
>> 1000s of obj files with the obj_to_mc work. So I felt I was on a roll. 
>> Sketchfab was "opened up" and lots of free-software-licensed terrain and 
>> such were easily used from there. It was nice. I wanted to keep going.
>> I thought it might be possible to get unreal 97 and unreal tournament 99 3d 
>> map formats working: as there are tons of maps there and I used to make 
>> little 3d worlds using that format. The two main formats here are .t3d ; an 
>> ascii format (like obj) but which requires CSG math, and .unr : a binary 
>> format which pre-compiles the csg math down to vertex and face info; but is 
>> more complex a format.
>> I found free software projects in C++ that tackle each (my project is in C): 
>> that could be used to learn the math. The t3d one even does the csg work. I 
>> just need to plead to you: please: I need contributors now. I did everything 
>> I could in these last 10 years under free-software licenses: made lots of 
>> maps, made tons of 3d models, made textures, game code (QuakeC), engine code 
>> (C). I extended the engine to beable to address up to 4 million entities, I 
>> programmed procedural map generation routines that allow creating cities out 
>> of nothing. I modeled tons of buildings, with both interiors, and 
>> level-of-detail models; so you can explore cities and not just go on the 
>> ourside of buildings. I modeled vehicles, added vehicles, programmed 
>> vehicles. I added 200 wps, and building code so players can do whatever they 
>> want in this 3d platform: from architecture, city building, town building, 
>> to fighting eachother, or racing cars, helicopters, to putting out fires. 
>> I've made music for it. All free software licensed.
>> I just cannot get contributors. Every single place I post a plea for help 
>> the thing is banned and deleted.
>> The only thing I've gotten is people trying to take down the project because 
>> they're mad I dared asked for file format help or for another programmer to 
>> join.
>> Can you and the free software people help?
>> I've asked "opensource" they sad "banned" and "scram"
>> So I turn to you. It's in C. Your language.
>> Please.
>> I beg of you.
>> I can't do these file formats alone.
>> ----------
>> Here's a ticket of the issue: 
>>   ( #2 Please help with 
>> .t3d and .unr loading (3d world file types) )
>> Here's a git of the source code: 
>> And here is a tarball of the source code: 
>> I started in model_brush.c , added in a new file handler: void
>> T3d_Attempt_Which_will_Mod_OBJ_Load(dp_model_t mod, void buffer,
>> void *bufferend)
>> and got it printing the vertex info of the t3d stuff.
>> I found 2 free software projects that handle (in C++) the two file formats, 
>> and I asked them for help but no response: (.t3d) T3d2Map(C++): 
>> (.unr) UShock(C++): 
>> So I just need help here.
>> I cannot do this part of the engine coding alone.
>> I know I did other formats: but it was alot of hacking and they weren't too 
>> different.
>> But here: it would take me years since I'm a hacker (at best) and not a 
>> professional file programmer.
>> Please help. Is there anywhere I can ask? Everywhere seems shutdown, 
>> filterd, and blocked, and very very unfriendly to any C dev requests.
>> Hope you get well soon.
> Seems like you have a userspace application issue. This ML (LKML) is for
> Linux kernel development, not userspace. But if you want to contribute to
> the kernel, you can apply for Outreachy program (see [1] for the 
> announcement).
> Bye!
> [1]: 
> -- 
> An old man doll... just what I always wanted! - Clara

Bruce Perens K6BP

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