On 3/15/24 07:56, ofthecentury via misc wrote:
When you want to turn off
a device on OpenBSD you
can do it at boot time with
manual `boot -c` command.
(Can also be automated)
After entering entering
`boot -c` you get UKC>
configuration prompt.
I type `list` and get a nice
list of all drivers I can
disable with `disable
mei` or disable `lpc`.
But how do I get
that list into a file
so I can review it?
Is there some
way to do it?

um...  your formatting is giving me Commodore VIC20(1)


config -e /bsd
ukc> list
[hit enter a bunch of times]
CTRL-C (to get out of config)
CTRL-D (to get out of script)

ta-da!  output in 'typescript'.

config does some of what boot -c does from a running system.
script captures screen input and output.
man config
man script


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