On Sat, May 04, 2024 at 06:19:54PM +0200, Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote:
> Hm. Back in the day I did some conference tutorials on "transition to the most
> recent OpenBSD release", with some desktop/laptop oriented tweaks I had found
> useful myself. Some of those tweaks may still apply, but some are likely to
> be outdated or just plain wrong to start with. But perhaps an updated version
> would be useful to somebody?

I wouldn't mind that. I adjusted some stuff a long time ago for some
specific need, but it was so long ago that I can't remember why.
I was really new to OpenBSD (4.7 or 4.9, I can't remember which.

I have two servers, both need extra PostgreSQL connections because of a
few pages, for example. Not relevant, but just mentioning it.

I have a desktop at home. That's where I have some really old changes. I
will go read some man pages, but that isn't always helpful for specific
uses. I also have a mailbox where I keep posts that I don't want to lose
track of with good info.

My luck with web searches is about zero. Even swapping to different
search engines just gives me crap that's too old or ridiculously wrong.
But if there isn't anyone with the time or desire to do it, no

Chris Bennett

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls 
the past."
 George Orwell - 1984

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