Otto Moerbeek thought me this:

First compile your program with debug symbols (and, conveniently, without
optimization settings.)

  $ DEBUG="-g -O0" make


  $ MALLOC_OPTIONS=D ktrace -tu <program and args>
  $ kdump -u malloc

kdump will though you lines like this:

  0x34f10a4b153   20480      1  20480 addr2line -e /usr/lib/ 0x4d153
  0x34f10a96470  410576     25  16423 addr2line -e /usr/src/usr.bin/<the 
program you're hacking> 0x98470

If you compiled your program with debugging symbols and your program has
some leak, the name of your program will appear in some of those lines.
Then you run that addr2line command and it'll show you in which file and
line the leak is produced.  It will show your errors that valgrind won't.

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