Can anyone recommend a good web-based file explorer program.  I'd like to
setup a website with openbsd where users can

1) upload and download files and
2) give their customer's permission to upload and download files too.

It would be great if the program had the look and feel similar to windows
explorer but on a website.  A commercial solution would be great too if it
runs on OpenBSD.  I'd prefer a program that didn't require a database,
especially mysql, and didn't require php.  But I wouldn't eliminate them from
scrutiny either.  If the whole program just ran on Perl and OpenBSD's apache
that would be great.

We currently use ftp for this sort of thing but my users need the ability to
give their customers access at will.  If there is a ftp solution, I'd like to
hear it too.

This setup would be a "cannon fodder" setup were the server sits outside our
firewall and my users are told not to rely on the security of this server. 
Even our current ftp server was setup this way.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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