On Sat, 25 Nov 2006 14:20:12 +0900
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mathieu Sauve-Frankel) wrote:

> You will notice that emacs is only a BUILD_DEPENDS. It is needed to
> build the anthy module for emacs. The ports tree is intended for 
> BUILDING PACKAGES. If you are not "interested" to install what is
> required in order to build the packages, then by all means install
> the binary package, it does not depend on emacs. 

I can't, as the machine used to build powerpc packages is currently off-
line, so there is no package for my arch.

Instead, As I percieve an obvious need to seperate anthy out from anthy-
emacs i'll work on hacking the port so emacs isn't a build dependency.

Unless someone else gets there first ( my previous message was a poorly-
managed attempt to determine if someone was already doing this )

> -- 
> Mathieu Sauve-Frankel


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