"Siju George" writes:
> On 3/6/07, Greg Oster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > "Siju George" writes:
> >
> > It's working just fine... just probably telling you a bit more than
> > you really wanted to know :)
> >
> > Later...
> >
> Greg,
> Seeing that you work on RAIDFRAME let me dare to ask you one more thing :-)

Bah... I hit the "Send" button on that last email sooner than I 
wanted to :( 

> In my dmesg at one point it says
> ==============================================
> Kernelized RAIDframe activated
> dkcsum: wd0 matches BIOS drive 0x80
> dkcsum: wd1 matches BIOS drive 0x81
> root on wd0a
> ================================================

So this gets printed from autoconf.c ....  but it *shouldn't* since 

                                boothowto |= RB_DFLTROOT;

in rf_openbsdkintf.c should cause the setroot() function to bail 
before printing the above....  So for some reason it's not calling 
the appropriate bits in rf_buildroothack() in rf_openbsdkintf.c
But exactly why, I have no idea...

> Could you please shed any light on why my root device is not "raid0"
> but "wda0" still?

No idea right now.. if you build a kernel with RAIDDEBUG defined and 
send the dmesg from that, I might be able to provide additional 

> Thankyou so much ( especially for the simple make file introduction on
> your website )



Greg Oster

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