> On 2007/06/22 12:15, Heinrich Rebehn wrote:
>> Stuart Henderson wrote:
>>> On 2007/06/22 09:59, Heinrich Rebehn wrote:
>>>> i am trying to get my new WRAP board to boot via pxe. pxeboot loads
>>>> but seems to stall at the point where memory should be probed.
>>> enable the serial console in $TFTPROOT/etc/boot.conf.
>> I tried that, but the WRAP does not even try to access etc/boot.conf
at this
>> time (according to tcpdump(1) on the server). Also, pxeboot hangs in
>> middle of the "probing:..." line.
> Try a new etherboot from rom-o-matic.net then, you'll need to piece
> it together with the files from wbios11.zip on pcengines.ch and xmodem
> it across. You'll need to use the options detailed in README.TXT in
> rom-o-matic (they're in a different order to listed now, the console
> ones are at the bottom of the web page).
> I have successfully booted pxeboot from 4.1 on a WRAP.1E with
> Etherboot 5.4.3

Correct, check this thread, it should answer all questions (I think
german isn't a problem, right ;-)):


  Hagen Volpers

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