On Aug 23, 2007, at 2:16 PM, Marc Balmer wrote:

> I ve got a 1.5 GHz MacMini attached to a 17" IBM TFT panel that has  
> a 1280x1024 resolution.
> How can I set the MacMini's display resolution to 1280x1024 24 bit  
> colors in OpenFirmware?
> In OFW, 'dev screen show-modes' shows me a list of valid modes,  
> amongst them the one I want, but when doing a 'dev screen <n> set- 
> mode' the screen only gets garbled.
> Any MacMini users around?

Yeah, me, and I'm as confused as you are. I'd like the answer to this  

Jack J. Woehr
Director of Development
Absolute Performance, Inc.
303-443-7000 ext. 527

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