ropers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 01/11/2007, Craig Brozefsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> "Leonardo Rodrigues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > May the IPV6 Samurai rest in peace. We are all thankful for his work.
>> >
>> > And cheers to yet another release =)
>> Perhaps a theme for a future release is shaping up.  Something like
>> Yojimbo or Sanjuro (sp?) with Puffy as the wandering samurai.  Yojimbo
>> is prolly an easier storyline to adapt.
> Which Yojimbo are you referring to? The Kurosawa film?

Yah, where he strolls into a town in the middle of a gang war and sets
the two sides against one another.  Mifune is awesome.

Sincerely, Craig Brozefsky              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
what a klon  - neko 
Less matter, more form!                       - Bruno Schulz
ignazz, I am truly korrupted by yore sinful tzourceware. -jb

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