
I connect to the internet via a wireless LAN.
I prefer to use dhcp and let the server assign an ip, etcetera.
This is simple to do with OpenBSD.
echo dhcp > hostname.device

The problem is the other networks in the area.
When I boot, my wireless finds the first available (so it seems) access
point available that will cough up anything and attach itself.

Other than communicating with other WLAN operators and asking them to set
MAC access control (if I can find out who they are) an option is to
manually configure OpenBSD to use a specific gateway, etcetera.
The problem with that is that many people use the same address for their
server (perhaps the only private address space they know).
Again I could specify a domain, however, the chances of this being
duplicated are reasonable considering the number of WLAN's that are not
public and also mainly Windows boxes (same goes for IP space).

The way that we work it out is mainly through SSID. Generally we see the
same WLAN's as the others and use the SSID to determine which network to
attach to.

Is it possible to specify an SSID to access at the exclusion of others?
Otherwise, can anyone see a solution?

Best wishes,

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