Hello all!  I'm having some trouble with getting an OpenBSD box to properly
tag packets via 802.1Q.
I'm setting up an OpenBSD4.2 router pulling data off a trunk port on a Cisco
2960 switch.  I can see the packets traverse the stack upwards but they are
not being encapsulated with a vlan tag on the way back out so are getting
dropped by the switch.  Here's a diagram:

  - Other Machine
arp who-has A.A.A.A
  - switch
 vlan20 (arp who-has A.A.A.A)
  - nfe0
vlan20 (arp who-has A.A.A.A)
  - trunk0
vlan20 (arp who-has A.A.A.A)
  - vlan20
arp who-has A.A.A.A
  - carp0 (A.A.A.A)
arp who-has A.A.A.A

  - carp0 (A.A.A.A)
arp reply 'I have A.A.A.A!'
  - nfe0
arp reply 'I have A.A.A.A!'
  - switch

nfe0/1, trunk0, vlan10/20/30 have no ip addresses.  The carp0/1/2 sitting on
the vlan pseudo-devices are the only devices with ip addresses.
I was in a hurry yesterday so I didn't check to see if I was getting the
same arp-replies on the vlan20 and trunk0 devices as I suppose it is
possible that the packets were traversing another path down the network
stack.  I'll check tonight if I can.

Any ideas or suggestions?


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