On Sep 17, 2008, at 12:49 AM, Aaron Stellman wrote:

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 10:20:08PM -0400, Steve Shockley wrote:
Juan Miscaro wrote:
Has anyone any experience running OpenBSD on this puppy:


I'm looking for a replacement for my tower that is currently acting as
router, anti-spam, mail server for a small network/domain.

Anti-spam might be a little slow on that depending on your volume.  I
haven't used that product though.

This commell site is suspiciously similar to Liantec site; moreover,
this commell device is very similar to EMB-5740 Liantec.
I assume these two companies are owned by same individuals.
I still can't find any places in US that sell EMB-5740.

The domains are registered to the same person, for what ever that is worth. I have exchanged a number of emails with someone at Liantec.com and when the emails stopped I was left thinking "they want my money, but won't provide details on when the product could ship as the product was not in stock at the moment, no thanks". I asked them to contact me when the product went "in stock" but I have never heard back from them. Perhaps Wim has had more luck, but last I knew he didn't have any luck with them either. I wonder if these boards are simply vaporware.


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