Hi list,

okay, I'm doing my tricky VLAN setups now again ;) This time I got a OpenBSD 4.4 box, running inside a VMWare ESXi machine. It got two interfaces, em0 and em1. em0 is external network, and em1 is host interface for a bunch of VLAN interfaces on the internal side. on top of the VLAN interfaces (and the external one) I'm running carp, and this box got a corresponding backup machine on a small LEX machine (this is my main VPN/admin gateway, with the LEX being backup if I need to bring the VMWare host down). Yes, i've had to enable allow promisc etc in vmware for my "All" network interface in order to get carp working.

Anyway, this have been working all fine, and yesterday I added another vlan interface, without a carp ontop. This is where the strange stuff starts.. In a nutshell, the above box (box C) responds for packets which are not related to it in any way..

Lets take a look at the setup:

Box A,, another VMWare guest running FreeBSD
vlan63: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
        ether 00:0c:29:51:8d:31
        inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
        media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseTX <full-duplex>)
        status: active
        vlan: 63 parent interface: em1

Box B,, a standalone OpenBSD box
        lladdr 00:21:5a:ff:5e:b0
        description: backup-net
        vlan: 63 priority: 0 parent interface: bge0
        groups: vlan
        inet6 fe80::221:5aff:feff:5eb0%vlan63 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x10
inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast

Box C,, the VMWare OpenBSD guest described above.
        lladdr 00:0c:29:18:fc:08
        description: backup-net
        vlan: 63 priority: 0 parent interface: em1
        groups: vlan
        inet6 fe80::20c:29ff:fe18:fc08%vlan63 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xa
        inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast

The other interface on Box C have other 192.168.XX nets, but non with a netmask wider than /24.. And the net is only on vlan63. And no odd route either.. have been rebooted twice.. There are not interface on Box C which have similar MAC addresses either..

Okay, lets look at the problem:

When i SSH from Box A to Box B, that is from 131.1 to 131.11, I expect to get a connection. Instead my connectino is reset immediatly.. Lets follow the packet dumps.

The tcpdumps from below are from em1 on box C (tcpdump -vne -i em1 vlan 63, I'll describe later why they are not from -i vlan63)

On first connect, I  get this:
13:42:43.951719 00:0c:29:51:8d:31 00:21:5a:ff:5e:b0 8100 78: 802.1Q vid 63 pri 0 > S [tcp sum ok] 876330421:876330421(0) win 65535 <mss 1460,nop,wscale 3,sackOK,timestamp 93169894 0> (DF) [tos 0x10] (ttl 64, id 37948, len 60)

Looks ok, 8d:31 (box A) sends to 5e:b0 (Box B). All fine!
Next packet I see is this:

13:42:43.951799 00:0c:29:18:fc:08 00:0c:29:51:8d:31 8100 58: 802.1Q vid 63 pri 0 > R [tcp sum ok] 0:0(0) ack 876330422 win 0 (DF) [tos 0x10] (ttl 254, id 32048, len 40)

This is fc:08 (box C), responding with Reset to 8d:31 (box A) ??? Wtf..

13:42:43.951817 00:21:5a:ff:5e:b0 00:0c:29:51:8d:31 8100 82: 802.1Q vid 63 pri 0 > S [tcp sum ok] 2864936215:2864936215(0) ack 876330422 win 16384 <mss 1460,nop,nop,sackOK,nop,wscale 0,nop,nop,timestamp 3196573386 93169894> (DF) (ttl 254, id 62284, len 64)

And here 5e:b0 (Box B) responding with ACK to 8d:31 (Box A), as expected..

And the following is Box C telling Box C that it resets the conncetion too (as a response to the above?) or something.. and then the conncetion is killed and dies off

13:42:43.951848 00:0c:29:18:fc:08 00:21:5a:ff:5e:b0 8100 58: 802.1Q vid 63 pri 0 > R [tcp sum ok] 1:1(0) ack 1 win 0 (DF) [tos 0x10] (ttl 254, id 31057, len 40) 13:42:43.952036 00:0c:29:51:8d:31 00:21:5a:ff:5e:b0 8100 70: 802.1Q vid 63 pri 0 > . [tcp sum ok] ack 1 win 8326 <nop,nop,timestamp 93169894 3196573386> (DF) [tos 0x10] (ttl 64, id 37950, len 52) 13:42:43.952082 00:0c:29:18:fc:08 00:0c:29:51:8d:31 8100 58: 802.1Q vid 63 pri 0 > R [tcp sum ok] 1:1(0) ack 1 win 0 (DF) [tos 0x10] (ttl 254, id 24397, len 40) 13:42:43.952119 00:21:5a:ff:5e:b0 00:0c:29:51:8d:31 8100 60: 802.1Q vid 63 pri 0 > R [tcp sum ok] 2864936216:2864936216(0) win 0 (DF) (ttl 254, id 41778, len 40) 13:42:43.952158 00:0c:29:18:fc:08 00:21:5a:ff:5e:b0 8100 74: 802.1Q vid 63 pri 0 > icmp: tcp port 56401 unreachable (ttl 255, id 62992, len 56)

Okay.. So.. what the heck is going on here? :) Now, the reason I didnt do tcpdump directly on vlan63 in this example, is that if I bring the vlan63 inteface into promisc mode, all works out fine! It doesnt intercept my packets or anything..

If i take a look at the pflog0 interface on Box C, i can see that my block return rule matches on the packets vlan63, if that got anything to do with it.

I do have ip forwarding enabled on Box C, as this is a router. One idea I had to this, was that it thought the packet was to be routed but PF blocks it and resets the conneciton. But why would it think that, when the mac address is not used on this interface/box?

So, does anyone have any hints?
For the moment I've worked around the problem by adding another interface to the vmware guest, and running this traffic on this interface without a vlan device inbetween.. And it works flawless. But I'd thought I report this anyway :)



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