On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 12:05:47AM -0500, Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 08:31:42PM -0800, Joseph Alten wrote:
> > So there isn't really an option like I was describing? I was going to just  
> > create my / partition on my boot hard drive like you mentioned, but I  
> > seemed so close when I ran "boot hd0a:/bsd -a" at the boot prompt that I  
> > thought I was missing something in the documentation...
> The boot prompt is the boot loader not the kernel.  With your command,
> you're telling the boot loader to load the kernel on hd0a:/ called bsd.
> That's not the same as booting a kernel on one drive and using a
> different drive for the root partition, which is what you asked for.

Yes, I know the -a flag tells the kernel to ask for root device.  I just
don't see a way of telling the kernel up-front what root device to use.

> In Linux parlance, this is having grub on /dev/hda but linux on
> /dev/hdc1, which works without needing a separate /boot partition.

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