PJ <af.gour...@videotron.ca> writes:
> It's not I who is having problems. I think it's OpenBSD.

Assigning blame before resolving the problem is counter-productive.

> It doesn't take much to look at the contents of the ISO file and see
> that it won't boot. But I guess I'm a glutton for frustration and I was
> just laughing at myself.
> Now what.

The only evidence you've produced here indicates your bios
didn't like your CD.  There's a rather large tree of possibilities
for what could cause this - most of which have nothing to do
with OpenBSD.

You're right, it doesn't take much to look at an ISO image.

Have you verified that your burned cd has the same checksum as your
downloaded ISO file?

So what did you find when you looked at the contents of your cd?
Are there tar balls?  kernels?  el torito boot image?

> This is a great start for a new system.

Temper, temper.

                                        -Marcus Watts

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