
First, thanks for this answer!

Le 13/10/2009 09:57, Nicholas Marriott a icrit :
For me, Home and End generate ^[[H and ^[[F (you can check they do for you as
well by running cat then pressing the keys, if they don't let me know, I might
have fiddled with some setting), so you should be able to bind them with:

         bind '^XH'=beginning-of-line
         bind '^XF'=end-of-line
For me, Home, End, PgUp, PgDown, Insert generate a ^[[7~ ^[[6~ ^[[5~ ^[[4~ (and it's a basic usb keyboard :-))
^XH and ^XF does not work in my system.

It is possible to (use a hack to) bind ONE key with a trailing ~ by binding the
start to prefix-2 and then binding ~ itself to the command, I do this for the
Del key.
That's the hack I found, and as you say, it works only for one key. However, all my keys generate a four character sequence with a tilde. I tried with another TERM (vt220), the problem is the same.

I think ksh is too complicate, and I have to get back to csh or tcsh (or ignore these bindkeys on ksh :-)). With them, my bindkeys work.


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