2010/1/22 Zamri Besar <zam4e...@gmail.com>:
> The insecurity of OpenBSD
> http://allthatiswrong.wordpress.com/2010/01/20/the-insecurity-of-openbsd/

> The OpenBSD approach to security is primarily focused on writing quality
code, with the aim being to eliminate vulnerabilities in source code. To this
end, the OpenBSD team has been quite successful, with the base system having
had very few vulnerabilities in "a heck of a long time". While this approach
is commendable, it is fundamentally flawed when compared to the approach taken
by various extended access control frameworks.

> The extended access control frameworks that I refer to are generally
implementations of MAC, RBAC, TE or some combination or variation of these
basic models. There are many different implementations, generally written for
Linux due to its suitability as a testing platform.

So... the author prefers shoddy, buggy, non-quality code as long as it
provides extra access control granularity.
I stopped reading at that point.


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