I am trying to replace mysql with postgresql on my openbsd + apache +php

I need to install postgresql from source, as I need special options, and the
latest version.

I am runnning openbsd 4.5, php 5.2.8 from packages,
postgresql-8.4.2 from source. All dependencies from packages.

Postgresql compiles and installs fine, works fine as a stand alone server.

Since I have a running mysql server, I have the /var/www/run/ directories
and subdirectories

I edited postgresql.conf to have the socket in /var/www/tmp, which it does

I did put the _postgresql user and processes in their own login class
(usermod -L postgresql _postgresql)

I tried to preload the libpd.so.5.2 library, it can't since by the
time it gets to it,
php5 is already loaded.

I put the following in /etc/rc.conf.local

if [ -x /usr/local/bin/pg_ctl ]; then
        echo -n ' postgresql'
        su -l _postgresql -c "nohup /usr/local/bin/pg_ctl start \
            -D /var/postgresql/data -l /var/postgresql/logfile \
            -o '-D /var/postgresql/data' >/dev/null"
(that's where I need pg_ctl and data to be) but it won't load at boot anyway.
That's even secondary, I can start the pgsql server by hand after
boot, and restart
apache, the server is not intended to be rebooted often anyway.

I can't get postgresql to work with php with the chrooted environment.
I searched the
archives and googled quite a bit, without success.

Henry Gall

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