> I just wanted to write a short note about mandoc.  You may have seen
> it mentioned in some recent posts.  It's a fantastic replacement for
> groff.
> How fantastic?  This fantastic:
> mini:~/src/share/man/man9> time nroff -Tascii -mandoc *.9 > /dev/null
>     0m2.23s real     0m2.29s user     0m0.03s system
> mini:~/src/share/man/man9> time mandoc *.9 > /dev/null
>     0m0.20s real     0m0.19s user     0m0.01s system

Or, on a vax, after preloading the pages into the buffer cache:

time nroff -Tascii -mandoc *.9 > /dev/null
242.7u 1.3s 4:06.18 99.1% 0+0k 66+8io 123pf+0w
time mandoc *.9 > /dev/null
9.5u 0.8s 0:10.45 99.3% 0+0k 0+1io 0pf+0w

That's 25 times faster.

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