I want to make a small desktop application (probably GTK+, since I've
never done anything in GTK) that shows available wireless networks,
signal, and a few buttons to connect to each/configure each.

I don't intend to make a huge daemon like the linux's NetworkManager,
but, instead, just a simple application you open, connect, and close.
Done.  No bloat, and definitely ***NO*** requirement for stuff like

I wanted to get a few pointers before I started:
1) First of all, I want to be sure no one's already working on
something like this.
2) I initially considered just parsing the output of "ifconfig ****".
This does seem rather hackish, but would get the job done fast and can
still be very maintainable code.  However, what's the proper
alternative (just a few pointer to know what to start reading will do)
to do this sort of this.

Thanks :-)

Hugo Osvaldo Barrera

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