On 8/10/2010, at 1:44 AM, Guillaume Duali wrote:

On Thu, 7 Oct 2010 09:33:44 -0300, "Christiano F. Haesbaert"
<haesba...@haesbaert.org> wrote:
Why not make a curses GUI ? I find it much more useful than gtk/qt

In my opinion, the aim of this project is to provide a graphical tool,
which can be inserted in some WM like XFCE, etc.

If the app is properly designed, then switching out for a different UI
can be pretty trivial.
I tend to construct all my graphical apps this way now, and even went
so far as to build multiple UI
support into a makefile so I can build different versions simply by
typing 'make curses' or 'make fltk'.

If you're comfortable with the various components you're working with
(ui toolkits, etc), this can be very easy to impliment. (OK, the
makefile was lets say - a challenge, but it's in no way essential, just
icing on the cake).


ps: For most things, I much prefer fltk over other windowing toolkits
I've used.

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