On Wed, Dec 08, 2010 at 09:23:49AM +0100, LEVAI Daniel wrote:
> I don't remember having a 2GiB filesize limit anywhere near, but the old
> extfs. What am I missing here?


I think it is enforced here (in the file /sys/ufs/ext2fs/ext2fs_inode.c:

ext2fs_setsize(struct inode *ip, u_int64_t size)
        if ((ip->i_e2fs_mode & IFMT) == IFREG ||
            ip->i_e2fs_mode == 0) {
                ip->i_e2fs_dacl = size >> 32;
                if (size >= 0x80000000U) {

Which leaves probably this i_e2fs_mode which is probably a superblock flag.

I checked the newfs_ext2fs manpage and it says the following:

     -O filesystem-format
                 Select the filesystem-format.

                       0    `GOOD_OLD_REV'; this option is primarily used to
                            build root file systems that can be understood by
                            old or dumb firmwares for bootstrap.  (default)
                       1    `DYNAMIC_REV'; various extended (and sometimes
                            incompatible) features are enabled (though not all
                            features are supported on OpenBSD).  Currently
                            only the following features are supported:
...<some cut>...
                                  LARGEFILE    Enable files larger than 2G

so perhaps you need to turn on this "LARGEFILE" feature at newfs time somehow...

Good luck,


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