Excellent letter, thank you, I agree with all of it.


Our next meeting for ACT for Springfield will be on March 30 at 7:00PM in
the Main Library on South Campbell just south of New Sam's , look forward to
seeing you all there, we will meet in the Story Hour Room.





From: missourilibertycoalition@googlegroups.com
[mailto:missourilibertycoalit...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Fred B.
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2010 8:19 AM
To: Roy Blunt; Christopher S. Bond; MLC Google Group; Young Conservatives
Cc: ACMN; Campaign for Liberty-SGF; Missouri C4L; Springfield Resistance;
Springfield-MO-912; Dave Iseman; Breck Langsford
Subject: [MoLiCo] Fw: Letter to Sarah Palin from Wendell Kerr


This is an excellent letter written by a true patriot. 



--- On Sat, 3/27/10, wendell kerr <wker...@yahoo.com> wrote:

To: i...@sarahpac.com, "Roy Blunt" <bl...@mail.house.gov>
Date: Saturday, March 27, 2010, 1:48 AM

Dear Sarah Palin,


First I want to admit to being a huge Sarah Palin fan.  As a fan,  I have
touted you as "the best thing since sliced bread" to everyone who would
listen.   I thought, and still do, that without your presence on the '08 GOP
ticket John McCain would have truly "lost by a landslide" of  California
"rainy season" proportions.


To be honest, I have had secret hopes that you would build your credentials
with  America's conservatives and lead the way into the needed "Conservative
Coalition"  under a rebuilt Republican Party.  I and many other true
conservatives realize that all non-essential issues must be put aside in
order to clear the way to a "landslide victory"  over the Socialist/Marxist
Democrats in November.  Yes, the Tea Party must be recognized as the primary
engine that will give us the patriotic fervor that will be needed to hold
the conservative coalition together.   After we take back the essential
political power  to govern effectively we can fight over some of the
details.  Without majorities in both houses of congress and the Presidency
we will be dead in the water.  


General William Douglas MacArthur put it this way:  "In war there is no
acceptable substitute for victory."  Governor Palin, we are up to our
eyeballs in a war between two ideologies  -- Republicanism  vs Totalitarian


The Tea Party must never become an organized individual political party. The
Republican Party based on Ronald Reagan's "back to basics" strategy that
welcomes all American Patriots who will pledge to put "America" and it's
survival as a Constitutional Republican Nation "first" is essential.


The grass roots Tea Party movement must be invited to serve voluntarily as
the "main power source" for this revitalized Grand Old Party.  There is no
other viable strategy. 


 Governor Palin, how can I now understand and explain to other true
"Teaparty Patriots"  your decision to endorse John McCain for reelection as
Arizona's Senator and to campaign for him "in person"??


I "gave you a pass" on the endorsement because I could see that his having
picked you as his running mate sort of called for some token loyalty.
However, your loyalty should have died there.   I had considered you to be a
prime Republican candidate to run for the Presidency in 2012.  Your obvious
lack of "political savvy"  as evidenced by your endorsement and your active,
in the field, campaigning in support of John McCain's, re-election has given
me pause. 


Why do I say that? To be honest with you most true Republican Conservatives
have long considered Senator McCain to be  a RINO of RINO's because of his
flawed "cross the isle and crawl into bed with the enemy" approach to


Let us get the "War Hero" credit onto the books right up front.  Yes, he
should be credited with heroism, as should all Vietnam Era prisoners of war.
Having made that acknowledgment, I am compelled to  say that Big John is not
the "political hero" of the  Conservative vs Socialist/Marxist battles that
have long raged in the U.S. Senate.


His collaboration (never bipartisan from the Democrat side of the isle)
with Teddy (Chappaquiddick) Kennedy is nothing short of a disgrace.  I refer
specifically to the Kennedy/McCain/Bush Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Bill of 2007.   Governor Palin, that bill  and the one now being concocted
by Senators Lindsey Graham,. RINO from S.C. and  Chuckie Schumer
Socialist/Leftist Democrat from N.Y. is and always has been about providing
AMNESTY for millions of ILLEGAL aliens.  


Incidentally Governor Palin, just where do you stand on this issue.  Are you
for or against "providing a pathway to citizenship" for the multiplied
millions of illegals that have and still are flocking to the USA? Ignoring
our Constitutional Rule Of Law upon which our nation's sovereignty is based
is to me an "unpardonable sin."


There are many other examples of the Senator's  "political ineptitude" that
could be cited.  But for the sake of brevity I will refer only to one more
of his serious political blunders.  What could that be?   During the
campaign Senator McCain took pains to point out to the American People that
Barack H. Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton were both "well qualified" to be
elected President of the United States of America and  that, in his opinion
they, if elected would make "good Presidents".     



I say "bunk"  Governor! Nothing could be further from the truth. Neither one
of those left wing Socialist/Marxist politicians should have ever been
selected as candidates for that high office in the first place.  Not only
did McCain, in effect, endorse both Obama and Clinton, but he refused to
call Obama out about his citizenship issue and his religious affiliation.
Obama says he is a Christian, but if that is so why has he referred to "The
Holy Qu'ran (Koran) and what it says, but has never advanced The Holy Bible
of Christiandom and what it says.  He has bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia
and credited Islam for having played a great role in American History from
the very beginning.


Is he a Muslim? The U.S. Constitution "requires" that any/all candidates for
the office of President of the United States of America be "Native Born
Citizens."  How is it that the officials who certify candidate eligibility
"failed" to make the necessary certification in BHO's case?


If we depend on him to step forward with proof that he is an American
Citizen (the Hawaii cover up is very troubling) we will never know the
truth.  I have produced my official "birth certificate" to prove my
eligibility for many privileges, ranging from enlistment into the U.S. Air
Force to  requesting a U.S. Passport.  I have done my duty, now it is time
that he did his.  I would go further and say that it is high time that all
members of the House of Representatives and the Senate call for immediate
release to "We The People" of all of Obama's education and birth records.


Failure of the government to make this request and failure by Barack H.
OBAMA to comply will/does reflect a deep seated dishonesty on the part of
both parties and BHO himself.






              Wendell A. Kerr

              MSgt USAF, Ret.

              GOD BLESS AMERICA


P.S.  Please make  your position on Illegal Immigration very plain.  Also,
remind Senator McCain that if he loses his Senate seat it will be due mainly
to his misguided support of "Amnesty" for illegals .            



"The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by
evil men." - Plato

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not." -
Thomas Jefferson

"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our
inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of
facts and evidence." - John Adams

"Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to
take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic
purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and
sacrifice for that freedom." - John F. Kennedy



















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