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The "McCarthyism" Epithet 

By Guy Rodgers 

Executive Director 

Go to any playground in America and you'll find children engaging in typical
childish "conflict management." They try to shout each other down. They call
names, "you're a poopy!" They put their hands over their ears and scream "I
can't hear you!" 

And it's exactly the kind of behavior we see regularly on display from the
politically correct enablers of radical Islam. 

Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson has unveiled the latest, and
predictable, name-calling tactic intended to put us in our place-we're all
supposedly engaging in "McCarthyism." 

In a September 21st column, Robinson belittled Newt Gingrich for painting
"Islam as the new Red Menace." He dismissed any concern about a "stealthy
insinuation of sharia into America's legal system because no such thing is

And the kicker: "The 'stealth jihadis,' I suppose, must be like the 'known
communists' on the list in Sen. Joseph McCarthy's hand." 

Robinson claims there is only one example of sharia here in America, the
case of the New Jersey judge who ruled that a Muslim man committed no crime
while beating and raping his wife, because he was acting consistent with his
Islamic "practices." 

Robinson's arrogance is exceeded only by his ignorance. 
.       Sharia has penetrated our financial system, in the form of
sharia-compliant financial instruments offered by the likes of Citi Group
and AIG. In an example of government accommodating sharia, Minnesota offers
sharia-compliant mortgages for Muslims.
.       Muslim prison employees, law enforcement officials, and even a
Disneyland employee, have sued for the right to wear the hijab as part of
their uniforms.
.       Muslim parents in New Jersey are demanding private prayer rooms for
their children in the PUBLIC elementary schools.
.       According to a National Public Radio report in 2007, as many as
100,000 Muslims are living in polygamous marriages here in America.
.       Harvard provided women-only gym hours to accommodate the demands of
Of course, I could go on and on. 

The Ground Zero Mosque imam was touted by politically correct elites as a
paragon of interfaith tolerance. Now America knows Imam Rauf believes any
government that does not practice sharia law is "unjust." 

Twenty years ago, those in the UK who spoke out against the coming of sharia
were also ridiculed. Today there are some 85 sharia courts in the UK. 

The playground antics of enablers like Robinson, who insist on calling
names, conjuring up the demon of McCarthyism, and engaging in a foolish "see
no sharia, hear no sharia, speak no sharia" will not change these facts nor
diminish the threat. 

But every time they launch into their sanctimonious condemnations of anyone
who dares to expose the threat of stealth jihad, Islamists laugh at them
behind their backs for being such dupes. 


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-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Eric Vought
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: [MoLiCo] Fw: Andrew Breitbart Forces President Obama's
Protesters to Fold Up Shop

On Sep 22, 2010, at 12:26 PM, Jerry Blevins wrote:

> Islam is not a "religion" in the sense we understand religion. Islam  
> is about TOTAL POWER. It is a system which controls every aspect of  
> the lives of those who have the misfortune to be subjected to it. It  
> masquerades as a religion, but once we understand that it is just  
> another totalitarian system - like soviet communism, we can deal  
> with it and defeat it.

Stop right there. This is complete rubbish.

1) It does not matter whether it is or is not a religion. You cannot  
define "religion" in a way that someone won't argue it and neither can  
I. The idea of being able to say what is or is not  a "valid religion"  
is pretty silly. Religion is about belief and you can never prove what  
someone may or may not believe.

2) Even if that were not true, the quote uses the example of Soviet  
Communism. Great, let's assume that Islam is a system like Communism,  
Is it legal or moral to prevent someone from building a meeting hall  
for communists? No. Is it legal or moral to abolish student  
organizations like the ISO? No. In the McCarthy era, fear of communism  
was used to justify all sorts of government abuses and the accusation  
of "communist" was used as a political tool to persecute enemies  
whether or not they really had anything to do with communism. It was  
not right then and it is not right now.

3) Rights do not belong only to people who agree with our system. A  
criminal justice system, for instance, pretty much by definition deals  
with people who do not respect the law. They still get due process.  
You do not have to believe in the Constitution to be protected by it.  
This gives us a regular system for dealing with people who try to  
abuse our system and it keeps us from being monsters ourselves. The  
idea that someone loses their rights based on what you BELIEVE THEY  
BELIEVE is utterly unworkable, morally and legally.

The exact same arguments you are making were the foundation of  
Hitler's arguments against communists and jews: they are working to  
undermine our very society, so we need to protect ourselves. It is a  
great way to do away with representative government entirely and it  
has been done in many countries to install communist government.

This proposed community center is protected by so many different  
fundamental rights (freedom of religion and expression, private  
property, due process, equal protection, etc) that talking about  
preventing the project is tantamount to denying our entire system of  
government. By your own logic, you, being opposed to the Constitution,  
would have no rights under our system.


Eric Vought
"Faith does not absolve us from trying to understand our world and  
make moral distinctions with the eyes and brain given us. Religion is  
as much responsibility as direction: Duty not Distinction."

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