I think we get caught up with words meaning different things to different
people, however one thing is for sure, Islam is evil, and I guess if you
have to believe in Islam to be a Muslim then you have to believe in evil and
for me I am in opposition to evil, others may see nothing wrong with evil
and that is their problem.




From: missourilibertycoalition@googlegroups.com
[mailto:missourilibertycoalit...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of D L Wells
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2010 10:35 AM
To: missourilibertycoalition@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [MoLiCo] Terrorists


Linda, I understood Tom to say that he is glad to hear that you don't think
all Muslims are bad.  I can see why he believed you did think that way
because based on some of your previous comments, I thought the same thing -
so many of your statements appear to be blanket statements about ALL Muslims
and that ALL Muslims use violence per their Holy book, without discernment.
I have read everything you've written and keep all emails for reference.
Linda, these are your words and why I thought you were referring to ALL
Muslims - 

Aug 30 - I suppose we should go over to the muslim countrie and build as
many churches as we can in their most special places where they consider it
to be holy, if they understand the word. I'm sorry, Tom, I do believe they
are evil.

Sept 6 - This nation at this time has beome ill and the Muslims can see
that. They are going to use this crisis to their advantages. They crept us
on us using the charming, charismatic, psycopath to do just what they have

Sept 7 - I also would agree with you if I hadn't read the multitudous
messages that I have seen that proves to me that indeed the Muslims intend
to take us. Some of the videos I've seen are insidious. They plan to make
the national religion, Muslim.It is ourt duty and that fact is in their
"Holy" book. How do I know? It is stated in their Qura'n. If any one does
not think that they drew us into the war, they may be somewhat unknowing
concerning their truist beliefs.

Sept 10 - The muslims are amused that we let them pray in our streets in
traffic. Traffic is made to stop for them. I dare you to go out in any
street and start pray to you God.

Sept 10 - I noticed Obama was saying we should all be able to worship God
whatever you call him. His God is Allah. Their written instructions in their
book are mean and evil. Their job is to proselytize all of us on earth one
way or the other.  I do not want their evil in the middle of any city or
town here. They are dangerous is what I am trying to say. It has nothing to
do with Religious Freedom. It's a matter of National Security. I do not hate
gays, nor any harmless groups. They are harmful by the very book they
believe that they are to overtake us by stealing, lieing, killing,
surreptitiously, stoning, assassination, planning in their Mosques, burning
buildings, bombing, and it goes on and on. Any one who thinks they just need
our religious freedom is give them the O.K. to plan against us amongst us.

Sept 14 - Let's put it this way. The Muslims like to make us believe that we
are not protecting their right to freedom of religion. Let them do it in
their country. Why are they building Mosques here in the first place?

Sept 14 - It is possible that you do not know the violence the Muslims have
ordered upon them. I cannot abide by the fact that their religion makes them
what they are, violent. They are told to be sly. 

Sept 14 - The Muslims think that we are immoral and corrupt. I do not
disagree with that. Yet the real truth is that they want the entire power in
this world. 

Sept 21 - Where are you? I can not fathom that you want the Muslims who are
infiltrating us to use the rights that do not really exist to further their

Perhaps if you would have made it clear that you meant "Muslim terrorists"
instead of "the Muslims", it would have been easier to understand that you
weren't talking about ALL Muslims.

It is important to be distinct when referencing the bad guys. That way,
people will know exactly where you are coming from and there will be much
less miscommunication.


On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 1:03 AM, Linda Herd <linda.h...@sbcglobal.net>

Well Tom,


I am almost irritated. You took that sentence out of context. Man, where did
you get what you have said below. We are not saying that all Muslims are
inherently at odds with our nation's existence. Cut that out my friend. That
is a down right prevarication or you have not been reading what I write. I
have said it so many times that all Muslims are not terrorists. I believe
that I could write until I have no more to give that not all Muslims are
terrorists. That is so much of what you do. I feel like I am back in
teaching. I had to repeat myself over and over and over. It usually takes
the average person 13 times to hear something before they learn what you
have to impart. Have I failed to write it 13 times. You are smarter than the
avereage student. It should only take you 3 or 4 times of repeating. I read
so much I knew it before the lecture. 


Not all Muslims are evil, inherently or otherwise!  Did you get that? You
couldn't have read what I have been writing. I save my emails and know I
have repeated my self ad nauseum. I hope Eric and Jeremy understand that,
but maybe not. Not all Muslims are evil and are not terrorists. Is that
clear enough? I am wondering why you spend so much time trying to make me
look ignorant. I know that all three of you are very intelligent. I read
what you say. I know where you stand. I so hope you understand this email!


Still your friend,


Linda Herd





From: Jeremy D. Young <jeremydyo...@sbcglobal.net>
To: missourilibertycoalition@googlegroups.com

Sent: Thu, October 28, 2010 8:34:52 PM
Subject: Re: [MoLiCo] Terrorists

Inline responses to Linda below:

On 10/27/2010 04:25 PM, Linda Herd wrote:
> Eric,
> It is time to ask the question leaving out the freedom of religion?

No. Absolutely, unquestioningly no.  You can never "leave out" freedom.
Freedom is what this nation was founded upon, and the reason that it
EVER became great.

> I would be the only person who would ask this question.

No, you're not the only one asking this question.  You, Jerry, and Fred
have all made statements that imply that Muslims are inherently at odds
with our nation's existence.

> Why do you take up for the group that this group perceives as the enemy. 

Just because a group is labeled an enemy doesn't make them inhuman.  I
would also argue that it is impossible to justly apply a label of enemy
to all individuals based upon outward appearance, nationality, religion,
gender, etc.  That is unless they're wearing a uniform that identifies
them as military personnel of a nation we're at war with.  That's a
generally accepted identifying trait.

> What is in this for you?

My very own freedom and yours is in it for me.  To encourage the state
to remove the freedoms of ANYONE because of an arbitrary label is
anathema to our nation.  Period.

> Linda Herd


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