This link might put some light on this discussion, don't know however, a lot
of people seem to not want to accept the truth.  We must face the fact that
Islam is evil and if you must believe in Islam to be a Muslim (and you do),
then the people who subscribe to that have to believe in evil and that is
the truth.


Look at what a well respected person says:




[] On Behalf Of Linda Herd
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2010 11:06 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: [MoLiCo] Terrorists


I could not say it better. I knew we were not so far apart. This is great.
Read the email forwarded on the health care reform.





From: Jeremy D. Young <>
Sent: Sat, October 30, 2010 7:10:56 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: [MoLiCo] Terrorists

That was a reply to Jerry :)

I'll try to be more explicit when I use "you".

I want to also make it clear that I do not believe that the United
States deserves to be the target of terrorism.  I also do not believe as
some outside this list have claimed that terrorists attack us because
we're free and rich and prosperous.  They do not hate our way of life or
our freedoms.

Through a combination of real events, lies, propaganda, and more, the
terrorists have been whipped into a fervor by leaders with an agenda.
If there was absolutely nothing true about the things these leaders say,
they would never convince anyone to follow them.  The horrors of war
provide them with plenty of material to expand upon and twist into
motivational lies for their aims.  The United States military *has*
killed civilians in their lands.  I believe strongly that our young men
and women serving in the military would never kill civilians
intentionally or without qualms.  However the nature of war and conflict
is that things happen quickly and accidents happen.  Especially in urban

The terrorists capitalize on these real accidents and mistakes and
attribute evil motivations to the United States.  They claim that the
United States military kills their women and children to punish them for
being Muslims, or to destroy their way of life.  These are not true, but
the only way to remove their ability to spread these lies is to stop
occupying their lands.

It is a very foreign concept to the founders of the United States that
we should be in foreign lands to spread Democracy, or to rebuild their
nation into one that is favorable to our aims (buying lots of Oil).

I have much more to say, but I'll leave it at that.

Jeremy D. Young

On 10/30/2010 02:40 PM, Linda Herd wrote:
> Yes, I did think that the Que'ran taught evil. The evil in it is that it
> talks of punishment on almost every page. Terrorists have left us with
> that Idea. If you want to discuss what I used to think before I
> corrected myself, then there will be more emails about what I thought,
> not what I have learned. Give me a kudo for being intelligent enough to
> go to the source because of you and Tom and Eric. I could have done it
> sooner and that would have been a blessing. I didn't read it soon
> enough and I would like some expression that you admit that I have
> changed my mind after my research. That does not mean that I think the
> terrorists are not strong and evil. That is something that without the
> President aiding and abetting we still would be in danger. They as you
> know  they do not fight fairly. Even less fairly than we have done
> unless I do not know the extent of what the U.S.A. has done. Are there
> any books that point out all the facts about what America has done? The
> one I have about terrorism is quite enlightening. I would suggest any
> one read it. I have read enough that I could loan it to any of you and
> then request that it be passed it on to any of you. I do not think
> anyone could read it all because it is as boring as the Que'ran. It
> would be interesting and enlightening to see it and peruse it. Anyone
> want to come get it? I live at 445 South Main avenue and my phone number
> is 865-5729 to let me know when you would come to get it.
> Linda Herd
> ----- Forwarded Message ----
> *From:* Jeremy D. Young <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Sat, October 30, 2010 2:58:43 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [MoLiCo] Terrorists
> So you therefore disagree with Linda, Eric, Deb, and myself.
> I believe that Islam is false, but not that Muslims are any more evil
> than all the other fallen human beings on the planet.
> I also vehemently oppose the idea that the United States government
> should be defining which religion is true, or which sect of which
> religion has it correct.
> In the United States, everyone has the God given right to hold false
> beliefs.  As long as they don't take actions that infringe upon others'
> rights, they can believe whatever they want, no matter how dangerous you
> think their beliefs are.  Their motives and beliefs only come into play
> when attempting to convict those individuals of crimes against the other
> humans around them.
> This is not just a matter of disagreement over words.  This is a matter
> of whether you want to violate the rights of human beings in this
> country based upon bigotry, racism, and religious wars.  You say you are
> "in opposition to evil".  What actions do you propose we take against
> this "evil", and how do we identify it or them?
> Ideas have consequences, and the consequences of categorizing all of a
> Race or Religion as evil and in need of opposition DIRECTLY leads to
> war, oppression, and the destruction of entire peoples.
> Jeremy D. Young

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