Strange things is that through the years I have heard hundreds of people say
the same thing and I'm quite certain that the numbers are probably a
thousands times that, yet suddenly it took B.O. and his merry band of
freedom robbers to get people involved enough to shed some light on this
issue.  Since the nation is a business to which we the people own why is it
that it take a differing political ideology  to suddenly wake people up who
should have been awake long before this.  You can't stop a car from rolling
off the cliff if you apply the brakes after it is in free fall.  This nation
has been in free fall since around Eisenhowser and has continued to drop.
Not sure we can save this nation peacefully any longer and if the 112th
congress decides the people have once more gone to sleep while they play in
the band then freedom as I knew it as a kid will be GONE.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Common Sense <>
Date: Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 8:18 AM
Subject: Reading Comprehension (Paul Jacob applauds Congress for reading and
recognizing the Constitution and hopes the infatuation blossoms)


January 3, 2011
 Reading Comprehension

Never has the Constitution been read on the floor of the U.S. House of
Representatives. And, boy, does our political situation show it.

When the 112th Congress convenes this week, the law of the land -- the
limited, enumerated powers granted to the federal government by "We the
People" in this 223-year old document -- will for the first time be spoken
aloud for all honorables to hear. It's a quick read, less than 5,000 words,
and presumably cameras will be rolling, so we'll know if any elected
representative sticks finger into ear during the recitation.

A hat-tip to the Tea Party movement, this reading of the Constitution is a
great way to remind our legislators that such a document actually exists.

Even better, a new rule will be proposed requiring every piece of
legislation to have affixed a citation "where in the Constitution Congress
is empowered to enact such legislation."

Sure, Washington pundits have mocked this newborn constitutionalism, crying
"gimmick!" One history professor called it "entirely cosmetic." Tea Party
activists are skeptical, too. As they should be.

Neither reading the Constitution nor declaring the constitutional authority
for legislation amounts to magic. But, with a political process in which
politicians rarely recognize any limits to their wizardry, a requirement
that Congress specifically pay attention to whether its actions are
permitted by the Constitution is, well, really good.

Will it lead to Congress actually abiding by the limits of our Constitution?
It certainly couldn't hurt.

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob.
 Comment on this


Paul Jacob is President of Citizens in Charge and Citizens in Charge
which sponsors both Common
Paul's weekly Townhall
The opinions expressed in Common Sense are Paul Jacob's and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of Citizens in Charge or Citizens in Charge

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~Will Turner~
~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~

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