---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tim Cox <t...@goooh.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 10:03 PM
Subject: GOOOH Action: Contact the Media
To: to...@tycoa.com

   <http://goooh.com/>  <http://goooh.com/>
   Contact the Media

30, 2011

 The budget deficit last month was a record $222.5 billion. In *ONE
MONTH*politicians spent over two hundred billion dollars more than
they collected!
It was the 29th consecutive monthly deficit, the longest streak ever,
including World Wars I and II. We *must* get spending under control.

Politicians are destroying our children’s future. We can stop them. We must
stop them. But it will not happen without a few minutes of your time. If you
will consider helping, please read on.

*We offer a simple plan to turn things around, and it will succeed if each
of us will do a little work*. The solution is to elect representatives who
are not concerned about getting re-elected.

To do this, we need everyone you know and everyone you meet to join
I understand most of your friends and neighbors have no interest in
politics, but you must convince them to get involved.

Our challenge is to inform America of our plan. We could use your help
contacting members of the media. Send them an email about GOOOH. Suggest an
interview of a GOOOH leader. If enough of you will take action, we will get
the attention we need to succeed.

You can contact 60 Minutes <6...@cbsnews.com>, Fox &
The Situation Room <wolf.blit...@turner.com>, Chris
Bill O’Reilly <orei...@foxnews.com>, or The
Judge<http://www.judgenap.com/contact/>by clicking on these links. You
can contact anyone you like. Research others
from this link<http://www.radio-locator.com/cgi-bin/finder?format=tal&s=R&sr=Y>.
Send everyone you can a quick email about GOOOH. Contact them every day. If
they hear from enough of us, they will let us explain our plan.

With 90,000 members we will get the media’s attention if each of you will
spend just a few minutes a day emailing them about GOOOH. If you are willing
to email others, send me a note.

We are slated to add over $1.5 trillion to our deficit this year. The
Republicans are battling to cut that by a measly 0.061 trillion. Could they
set the bar any lower? How much does it matter if our deficit is $1.441
instead of 1.512 trillion?

At the current pace, we will have accumulated more than $20 trillion in debt
by 2016! We are dumping this debt on *OUR CHILDREN*! Neither party will
fight to cut spending. The Democrats do not seem to think it is a problem.
The Republicans argue they must have the House, the White House, and a
filibuster-proof Senate before they can make meaningful cuts. Such control
is unlikely. Consider that only *two* incumbent Senators lost in November.
How confident are you the Republicans will defeat 13 this election? What if
they don’t take the White House? Would you even trust them with such a
mandate? It is time to do things differently.

Neither party has the constitution to make the needed changes. How much
longer are we going to support these self-serving politicians and this
ridiculous system that ensures 90% are re-elected?

*We will execute our plan beginning this November*. Because we will be
competing in the primaries, *there is no reason to fear splitting the vote*!

We have a simple way to fund candidates. We will provide the infrastructure
needed to win. We have a workable plan, and with a little publicity we will
have the membership needed to succeed.
Please contact every member of the media you can and tell them about GOOOH.
If you will do so, we can get our nation back on track.

    In Liberty,

 Tim Cox
 Founder, GOOOH.com <http://www.GOOOH.com>

<http://goooh.com/Contactus.aspx> <http://goooh.com/Donate.aspx>

 This message was sent to to...@tycoa.com from:

Tim Cox | Rio Gabriel Ranch | Liberty Hill, TX 78642

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"no cause is lost if there is but one fool to fight for it"
~Will Turner~
~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are
free." ~Goethe



The power to tax involves the power to destroy.
~Justice John Marshall~

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics
won't take an interest in you!
-Pericles (430 B.C.)

A legislative act contrary to the Constitution is not law.
~Justice John Marshall~

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