Is anyone attending this. The idea is quite useful. Where does one get a 
Missouri Constitution at a bookstore?


>----- Forwarded Message ----
>From: Ron Calzone <>
>Sent: Mon, January 2, 2012 6:11:59 PM
>Subject: Consent of Governed Rally -- Wed. Jan. 4 in Jeff City!
>Rally Day: Wednesday, January 4, 2012
> Jefferson City, MO -- 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 
>Join Us at the Consent of the Governed Rally 
>Dear Linda, 
>To citizens eager to see an end of "politics as usual" there is nothing more 
>frustrating than seeing their senator or rep voting for bills because "the 
>leadership says so" or "you vote for my bill and I'll vote for yours." 
>Some of those rascals just need to be sent packing in November, but some of 
>are good folks dealing with issues they just don't know how to handle -- they 
>need some principled "tools" to help guide them to the right decisions. You 
>be a key component in providing those tools. 
>Here's two things you can do to that end:
>1) Learn how the first five clauses of the Missouri Constitution can guide a 
>legislator on 95% of the issues he faces.
>2) Develop a relationship with legislators, especially your own, so you can 
>"help" him apply principles in those first five clauses and also hold him 
>accountable for doing so.
>This coming Wednesday is your opportunity to do both at the 2nd annual Consent 
>of the Governed Rally at the Capitol in Jefferson City.
>There, four excellent speakers will explain how the Preamble and Sections 1 
>through 4 of the Missouri Bill of Rights form the foundation for all of 
>governance and constitute a simple formula for evaluating legislation.
>You will then have an opportunity to help present a framed parchment of those 
>clauses to your representatives and explain to them that We're From the People 
>and We're Here to Help!
>Wednesday, Jan., 4 is the opening day of session and an excellent opportunity 
>introduce yourself, share the issues you are most passionate about, and learn 
>what makes your representative or senator tick.  Tactful face-to-face 
>communication is the number one way YOU can build influence with public 
>officials. Our subtle message will be that we are a resource and will be the 
>statesman's best friend but a nemesis to politicians who insist on destroying 
>the Republic! We want to encourage them to stand again the tide--to stand with 
>citizens and not lobbyists.
>For liberty,
>Sponsors of the Consent of the Governed Rally 
>P.S. Will you help support the cost of providing one of these beautifully 
>and matted document to our legislators by making a small donation to help us 
>cover the cost? You can do this by going to
>P.S.S. Concerned Women of America can help you encourage your state 
>represetnative and senator through out the legisative session with a program 
>called "Encourage a Legislator." You can learn more about this program at the 
>rally or by emailing Ginger Yoak at  
>Thank you to our financial sponsors: 
>Leaders Level ($250+) 
>James Coyne, Coyne Agency 
>Paul Hamby, Hamby Dairy Supply 
>Friend Level ($50+) 
>Bev Martin 
>James Holland 
>Bev Ehlen 
>Susan Calhoun 
>Scott Maxwell 
>Jim Holland 
>Ike Skelton, Skelton's Key & Lock 
>Mid-MO Patriots 
>Warren County Patriots 
>Concerned Women of America 
>If you would like to donate, go here.  
>Franklin County Patriots Missouri Campaign for Liberty Missouri First 
>Concerned Women for America Mexico Patriot Tea Party Sullivan 9/12 
>Missouri Precinct Project Crawford County Campaign for Liberty Cooper County 
>Branson Tea Party Coalition Eureka Tea Party Mid-MO Patriots 
>St. Louis Tea Party Coalition Lebanon Tea Party Sikeston Tea Party 
>I Heard the People Say Capital TEA Party God and Country 
>Show Me Patriots Eagle Forum Cape County Tea Party 
>Conservative TV Online Callaway County Patriots Macon County Patriots  
>Ozarks Property Rights Congress - 7 Chapters in South Central and SW Missouri  
> If your group would like to co-sponsor this rally,
>please email for more information. 

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