Yes it does Tom, our own City Council and it's change of requirement for an
Initiative Petition gives the individuals who want to control this town the
ability to do just that.




[] On Behalf Of Tom Martz
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2012 8:25 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: [MoLiCo] Fwd: Rocky Mountain Low (Paul Jacob thinks legislative
expertise is overrated and respect for the voters almost not existent)


Well THIS sounds familiar.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Common Sense <>
Date: Fri, May 25, 2012 at 8:18 AM
Subject: Rocky Mountain Low (Paul Jacob thinks legislative expertise is
overrated and respect for the voters almost not existent)



May 25, 2012 

Rocky Mountain Low 

In the closing days of this year's legislative session, Colorado Rep. Lois
Court sponsored a bill that would have amended the state constitution
to require a 60 percent supermajority to pass any future constitutional
amendments. This issue had previously been floated to -- and defeated by --
voters in 2008, as Referendum O. 

In 2009, 2010, 2011 and again this year, this attack on the citizen
initiative had been introduced in the Legislature, but beaten back by a
coalition of citizens and policy groups, including Common Cause and the
Colorado Union of Taxpayers. Louis Court, Colorado

This year, Denver Post reporter Lynn Bartels informed us
DecaS0wQfC4XotsR4DxhRY4rDgnrW4no_qPeIOI=>  that Court's bill had been
"hijacked." Republican Rep. Jon Becker amended it in committee, requiring
the bill's 60 percent supermajority to apply to any amendment to the state
constitution -- an idea so repulsive that even Court voted against her own

But there, oddly, is where Bartels's explanation ends. 

You see, Court's legislation mandated a supermajority to pass a new
constitutional amendment, but not for repealing past constitutional
amendments -- at least, not past amendments proposed by citizens. 

Why? Look no further than TABOR. 

Passed by citizen initiative in 1992, the Taxpayer Bill of Rights amendment
requires any increase in overall government spending, or any tax increase,
to be approved by the politicians' boss: the people of Colorado. 

Therefore, Court and her fellow legislative Democrats seek a supermajority
to block any future amendment like TABOR, while at the same time allowing
TABOR to be more easily nixed with only a simple majority. They want two
sets of books, two sets of standards, one for the people and another
custom-made for them. 

This is Common sense. I'm Paul Jacob.

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Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund
>  as well as a board member of Great Communicators Foundation, which
sponsors both Common Sense
>  and Paul's weekly Townhall Column
V9ttGWFEbhBt0_O1hug=> . The opinions expressed in Common Sense and at
Townhall are Paul Jacob's and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of
Liberty Initiative Fund or the Great Communicators Foundation.

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~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~

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