Thanks due to a "do nothing" Congress, we all have allowed this thing to get
to this point.  Most people are living with the disease of Relectumitis.




[] On Behalf Of Linda Herd
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2012 5:06 PM
To: Missouri Liberty Coalition
Cc: Allen Black; Patrick Connolly;
Subject: [MoLiCo] Fw: ProEnglish Denounces Blanket AMNESTY by Obama




This would most likely ensure his re-election and I am hoping that it does
not occur. It does not look good from the many newsletters I receive for his
re-election even with some negatives from the left. That is what would go
against the re-election. Maybe people will awaken soon enough to help, but,
of course, we can not count on it.




----- Forwarded Message ----
From: ProEnglish <>
To: Linda Herd <>
Sent: Fri, June 15, 2012 3:09:48 PM
Subject: ProEnglish Denounces Blanket AMNESTY by Obama Administration

ProEnglish Denounces Blanket Amnesty by Obama Administration

ProEnglish condemned today's move by the Obama administration that
essentially rewards an amnesty to nearly 800,000 illegal aliens
<> . The
administration decided it will no longer deport the vast majority of illegal
aliens under the age of 30, and without requiring them to learn English.

"Naturalized citizens have to demonstrate English language proficiency to
become American citizens," ProEnglish Executive Director Robert Vandervoort
noted. "By contrast, today's decision by the Obama administration not only
rewards law-breaking, it also makes no attempt to provide for assimilation."

"ProEnglish strongly opposes any kind of blanket amnesty because it grants
nearly 800,000 illegal aliens legal status without requiring them to learn
English," Vandervoort continued. "Without an English-language provision,
this will dramatically expand demands on government services in foreign

"During a time of record high deficits and unemployment, the White House
should not be seeking to increase the financial burdens on American citizens
<> . This
decision will force American taxpayers to subsidize costly
government-mandated multilingual services for a largely non-English speaking
population," Vandervoort concluded.


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