It gives you a clue to some of the information that people should be paying
attention too, however most do not.  If the vote is for more monies for
"education" it is all ok, that has been part of the problem.  We need to
shut down the Department of Education, the GOP had that as one of their
planks several years ago, but like all the rest, it really does not matter
what is in their platform, they are probably not going to do any of it, just
use it as a way to get people to vote for them.  Thanks to people like are
man Roy Blunt, who was at one time going to do something about the
Department of Education, and that was not to give them more money, but guess
what, he voted to give them more money.

Until, and I have just about reached a point of thinking that it is not
going to ever happen, people concern themselves as to what is going on down
at the local school building, nothing is going to change, well except the
vote will be to give them more money to throw away.




"Without God there is no virtue because there is no prompting of the
conscience...without God there is a coarsening of the society; without God
democracy will not and cannot long endure...If we ever forget that we are
One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone under."

---Ronald Reagan


[] On Behalf Of Linda Herd
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2012 12:33 AM
To: missouri coalition
Subject: [MoLiCo] Fw: Would You Back Down?


There are many groups in Springfield beside these two groups. Won't Back
Down sounds extremely interesting to me. I taught here although my son went
to Nixa where I have the strong feeling students are getting a better
education. Is anyone with children interested in this? It sounds intriguing
to me. I am retired. I knew when I worked that special interests ran the
schools and was very unhappy with much of what went on to the point of
having my normally low blood pressure become high one year when I saw the
worst of it. I am not at all very well informed from reading this, but would
think that if there are disgruntled parents in Springfield (duh?) that
perhaps this could be a model for us. I hear from teacher friends still in
the system that school is a zoo and it was a zoo 22 years ago when I became
disabled from an accident traveling to three schools a day because I had
already shown my discontent with discipline policies in a school where I
worked. They hoped I would quit since I already had some health problems so
sending me to three schools was a way to get me to quit. I didn't, a drunk
driver hit me en route to one of the schools and within 4 years the damages
caused a sharp decline in my already weak health condition, so the system
disabled me with my asking. Another way to shut me up. (never end a sentence
with a preposition-I didn't teach English but learned it well). What do you
think? This system is pretty bad. The superintendent and board members are
more interested in themselves than any of the students. I think this is
obvious already. Watch some of these videos to see if there is interest.


Linda Herd


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Matt Kibbe - FreedomWorks <>
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 3:31 PM
Subject: Would You Back Down?

Dear Linda,

WON'T BACK DOWN - The movie that America is taking about - is in theaters

"Sends a valuable message about US schools - and unions . . . give this
flick an Oscar NOW." - NY Post (Oct. 8, 2012)

<> Won't Back
Down Movie Poster
<> Every
parent whose child is trapped in a failing school knows how it feels to want
change now.  And every teacher knows how it feels when bureaucratic systems
fail to support them.

Walden Media has produced
<> Won't Back
Down, a gripping, emotional and entertaining film- starring Viola Davis,
Maggie Gyllenhaal, Rosie Perez, and Holly Hunter- about a parent and teacher
who band together to fight for their children against a broken system. 

 <> Won't Back
Down has the power to spark a national discussion about how to ensure that
America's public schools deliver education and equity for all
students-regardless of race, economic background, or ZIP code. 

Enthusiastically received by an overflow audience at the Republican National
Convention, as well as by the U.S. Conference of Mayors,
<> Won't Back
Down shows that dramatically improving our public schools is not a partisan
issue:  it's an American issue. 

What can you do?

See Won't Back Down this weekend

Bring a friend.

Forward this e-mail.

Buy out theaters (888.369.6350).

Watch the trailer

Check it out, and find out what the fight for school choice is all about.

In Liberty,

Matt Kibbe 
President and CEO, FreedomWorks


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taxes, less government and more freedom.


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