
i need some feedback on that topic. I thought a lot and reviewed the code. And 
I was thinking about how to make a 
"soft" transition to a new interface.

To change the skinning engine, i think there has to be some modifications to 
the interface itself. Now all 
the widgets are placed by absolute coordinates and like that its not possible 
to get a fluid layout. So I'd like to 
keep the current xml files, but change the positioning in the wwidget.cpp:

void WWidget::setup(QDomNode node)


    // Set position

    QString pos = selectNodeQString(node, "Pos");

    int x = pos.left(pos.indexOf(",")).toInt();

    int y = pos.mid(pos.indexOf(",")+1).toInt();

    //move(x,y); <- remove that to realize a fluid layout

    // Get tooltip

    m_Tooltip = selectNodeQString(node, "Tooltip");


Then I think I will write a container class (a QWidget with layout abilities), 
which holds some widgets and allows to 
arrange them by drag and drop. But then I will have to store the positioning 
somewhere. WHERE???

The container class will align on the mainwindow.

Second thing: Somehow i have to know, which controls i have to put together 
into a container class. This means: I'll 
have to put all the Mixer controls into one container class and all the Player 
controls into one and so forth... Any 
ideas how i can find out which control elements belong together?

I'll try to catch some of you on irc later....



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