Hi all.

Good news! Thank you RJ.

I just one objection to the C++11 white list.

The new keyword "auto".
IMHO "auto" helps to speed up the code writing. But it makes the code
harder to understand. Some IDEs are starting to display the real type, but
that does not help
in GitHub reviews or other editors.
We should generally prefer explicit types
There are some exceptions where auto comes handy:
* function pointers
* complex template types.
For all the rest we should not use auto.

The is an other reason for "auto": during refactoring
Lets asume a function
   float getValue()
ant the usage
   float a =  getValue();
if we change getValue() to return double.
We have to check all usages of getValue() to
   double a =  getValue();
this is not required for
   auto a =  getValue();

IMHO this kind of laziness is convenient but dangerous.
The developer should be forced to check what happen by the refactoring not
rely on an auto keyword.
The problem is only shifted to the usage of auto a.

Kind regards,


2015-06-05 6:43 GMT+02:00 RJ Ryan <rr...@mixxx.org>:

> Mixxx is switching to C++11! The master branch now has -std=c++11 turned
> on. 1.12 will be the last release without C++11 support.
> This means we have new minimum requirements for compilers:
> * Visual Studio 2013 (12.0)
> * GCC 4.8 (supported on Ubuntu 14.04 and up)
> * Clang 3.3 (supported on Ubuntu 14.04 and up. Supported on XCode 4.4 and
> higher)
> To gradually ramp up our use of C++11 we're starting with a feature
> whitelist/blacklist.
> Here's the initial list of features that are supported across all 3 of
> these compilers:
> http://mixxx.org/wiki/doku.php/coding_guidelines#c_11
> Let me know if your favorite feature isn't on there. My main goal is to be
> conservative and not go wild with complexity if it isn't needed. Please
> resist the urge to be fancy for its own sake. Ideally this will allow us to
> simplify our codebase, not make it more complex.
> Thanks,
> RJ
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