> On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 1:12 PM, Torsten Leistikow<de_m...@gmx.de>  wrote:
>> WanMil schrieb am 02.03.2010 18:48:
>>> The patch supports the complete multipolygon specification. And
>>> additionally it is tolerant towards incorrect (but reasonable)
>>> multipolygons.
>>> So why should mkgmap be restrictive if it doesn't need to?
>> Since there is not really a specification for the OSM tagging, mkgmap should 
>> not
>> check the data for correctness but try to support as much taggings as 
>> possible.
>> So for example in a style file you must also check for typical typing errors,
>> e.g. "centre" vs "center".
> I've listened to that argument for a while and I'm tired of it.
> Complete anarchy when tagging make writing software to use OSM data
> incredibly difficult.  At some point people are going to have to grow
> up and come to an agreement on tagging standards and then stick to it.

Ok, so revert the description of the patch:
* The patch detects polygons with role=outer that is inside another 
polygon with role=outer and issues a warning for that.

The inner in inner case is a well known error :-)

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