Ben Konrath ( wrote:

> Hi Charlie,
> On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 8:35 AM,  <> wrote:
>> Sorry, can't help with your problem, but can you explain what
>> --ignore-unnamed-areas is?  I can't find any reference to it elsewhere.
> That's a custom patch I include with the version of mkmap that I use.
> It doesn't add a POI for areas that don't have a name. I'd be happy to
> share the patch if you're interested. I haven't posted it because it's
> kind of a hack but it works.
> I guess a better solution would be to make it an option to
> --add-poi-to-area but, as a bunch of people have pointed out, that
> functionality really needs to be reworked. I've thought doing it a
> couple of times but sadly I don't have a lot of extra time these days.
> I did, however, post a couple of updates to the original patch a while
> ago but I'm not sure if those were integrated. (I think anyway, it was
> a while ago)

I thought  as much.  My solution to the same issue has been via the  
style file:
i.e. leisure=park & name=* [0xbla resolution bla]
This means that a POI is only created when the area has a name (that  
can be used in a POI search)

Like Marko, I would much much prefer an add_poi style action than the  
univeral --add-pois-to-areas.  And finally, and apologies for bleating  
on about this, I would love it if the POI that was added was *always*  
placed inside the area bounds, rather than in the area's  
"centre-of-mass" as currently happens.


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