On 22.05.2011 21:21, michael lohr wrote:
> the following 2 pieces of code in the lines file should do the same
> thing: set the name for the route and then delete it. the 1st one works
> as expected, the 2nd one sets the name but delete is not executed. am i
> doing anything wrong or is that a bug?
> mkgmap:route-transport=*&  mkgmap:route-bike=* { name
> '${mkgmap:route-transport}, ${mkgmap:route-bike}' } [0x10803 resolution
> 24 continue]
> mkgmap:route-transport=*&  mkgmap:route-bike=* { delete
> mkgmap:route-transport; delete mkgmap:route-bike }
> mkgmap:route-transport=*&  mkgmap:route-bike=* { name
> '${mkgmap:route-transport}, ${mkgmap:route-bike; delete
> mkgmap:route-transport; delete mkgmap:route-bike}' } [0x10803 resolution
> 24 continue]
you have to use continue with_actions if you want the action to be 
carried forward.
The result is expected (better use 2 lines, or you might get confused by 
what does what).
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