Just found out that you can make a gmapsupp.img on micro SD card or in your GPS 
unit visible in Basecamp. This becomes the common procedure by map sellers, 
they only deliver a gmapsupp on microSD card so you don't have to install the 
map on the pc anymore.

By default the Ms (Mapsource) flag is set to 1 but you can set it to 0 with 

Reading file G:/garmin/gmapsupp.img.

File:           G:/garmin/gmapsupp.img, length 46495744
Header:         21.10.2011 18:36:39, DSKIMG, XOR 00, V 0.00, Ms 1

Set version in header - advanced option, GMapTool writes map version into img 
file header. First two input fields are for map version, field Ms is for 
Mapsource flag. Value 0 for flag makes img in GPS visible to BaseCamp.

I have tried it with my Openfietsmap and it worked. However I discovered that 
my map is transparent. Underneath it appeared the Basecamp basemap, a very 
rough map with highways that used my custom typ file (with the wrong lines of 
course). Any ideas how to make this basemap invisible? I think it has something 
to do with not using the 0x4b background; I dont use it because this causes 
ghost shading in Mapsource (zooming in produces a lot of noise, like this 
example: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8541959/mapsource%20lines.jpg). If I edit my 
map with gpsmapedit, I can see this background polygon 4b is still there, but I 
simply dont have defined it in the typ file because of those unwanted effects 
in Mapsource.
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