On 13-02-26 23:33:44 CET, Robert Joop wrote:
> Do you know whether there’s unicode support in recent devices?

Just a side note because is not about a map:
I just tried a waypoint, set the keyboard language to Croatian first and
entered a few letters, changed to German and added some more.
As usual for this device, the waypoint ends up in the file
Waypoints_26-FEB-13.gpx which is UTF-8 encoded.
The waypoint contains the <cmt>Čćžšäöüßabcd</cmt> I entered.

With the device mounted in mass storage mode, I edited the file, added a
few Greek and Hebrew letters.
With the device rebooted, the waypoint shows the comment with the Greek
letters, but nothing for the Hebrew ones.
This matches the earlier findings for the code page maps (Greek yes,
Hebrew no).
Using waypoints may be easier for users to investigate their devices’
character repertoires than having to create maps.

(But the question remains: does the img format support any unicode
encoding and if so, do any devices support it?)

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