Hi Steve,

On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 06:34:34PM +1000, Steve Sgalowski wrote:
yet in  brisbane , to ipswich area , most are paved with concrete , or
some bicycles just  use the main road ..
So how can you code for that ?

If the ways are accurately tagged as surface=paved or surface=concrete or surface=asphalt (or smoothness=good or whatever), then the rule will not set the key mkgmap:unpaved=1.

So, if you want to fix it, please add some surface=* to the affected ways, to make the map more accurate. Theoretically, you could add some bounds-based rules for setting the default surface of bicycle paths, but I would recommend against doing that. I prefer more explicit than implicit (easier for all tools that use the map data).

BTW, the "add" keyword in mkgmap style language means "set if not already set to something". The "set" keyword simply overrides any existing value. So, if any other rule already assigned mkgmap:unpaved to something, this rule would not change it further:

      The rule in lines is
      (highway=bridleway | highway=path | highway=track |
      & surface!=* & tracktype!=* & smoothness!=* & sac_scale!=*
      { add mkgmap:unpaved=1 }

And BTW, we have both unpaved and paved cycleways here in Finland (and I guess, Europe in general). There are also lots of forest paths, some of which are rideable by bicycle, depending on the bicycle and rider, and also the current conditions (dry/muddy/snowy/icy).

I agree with Felix that unknown should be treated as unpaved, to default to a sane/safe value (do not send racing cycles to potentially unrideable ways). If you do not mind entering unknown surfaces, simply deselect the "avoid unpaved ways" routing setting.

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